Monday, May 27, 2013

Facebook is making friending obsolete

   After reading this article I though it was more of  an add for tweeter than telling people how facebook was making friending obsolete. Most of the facts were correct but majorly outdated. Most of the things Julia  was concerns have been address and are easily fix by going to your profile and selecting your privacies option. There you can chose whom you want to view your pictures or even view your other friend.
   I personally don't say thing on there that I would not say to someone face. The old saying that word are left to the interpretation of the reader hold so true in any post be it on facebook, tweeter, or my space. In the high tech world that we live in today if your no plug in to some thing you are considered lost or just old fashion.
   Just last week my brother and I were exchange information about our ant and cousin and sure enough wire got crossed by the way he word thing or by the way I interpreted what he had wrote. I am glad that we are mature enough to say we are sorry and that it was just a misunderstanding.
   I personally have found some old friend and relative that I would not have ever talk to if it weren't for facebook. For the most part I would say it has been a pleasure finding them, but there are a small percent that were better off left in the past. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

My blog of the laws

I remember my grandfather tell us the there was no way smoking causes cancer. It was two years before his death that he changed his mind. and it took COPD for me to change my mind. So in today world maybe we need more defined definition of the effect of the things we put in our body's.
As for new laws selling spray paint to minors would be first on the list of many. Not only is the painting on other peoples property illegal but a real eye sore and very expensive to cover up. I still do not under stand why they do the things they do. And I know that law are not going to stop this but if we make it harder to get maybe we can slow it down. I know that a lot of this is done by gangs, but there a lot do buy people that have no respect for other people property. Woody Hayes said "That he gives no one respect that has not earned it." So if you are young and you think that no one respects you maybe you have not earned it. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Twin Revolutions of Lincoln and Darwin

I think it is kind of spooky how two men born on the same day and same year end up fighting for the same cause, but in a totally different way.
 Lincoln was trying to same the Nation that he so dearly love. And know in his heart that all men were created equality. He knew that slavery had to be abolished for the nation to move in to the future.
 Where as Darwin was exposed to slavery the during his time spent in South America. Being a scientist Darwin was able to prove that indeed all men were created equally and that we all should be treated as such.
Even in todays society there are still people that think these two men were wrong in their beliefs that all men are equal. I personally got death threat from my own relative for voting for Barack Obama.
  If these two men were alive today. I think they would still be fighting for the equal rights of all man kind, and I would be standing right along side them. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Man I wish I was

Growing  up in Ohio ever young man want to play football for Woody Hayes at Ohio State, and I was no exception. Ever fall Saturday I would sit in front of the T.V. and watch the game and day dream of one day playing for him.

Woody coached at Ohio State for 28yr. He won five national championships'13 Big Ten Conference title, and a record of 205-61-10.This was truly an amazing task in it self. When one looks at the schedule his team played every year.

Woody was also known for his quotes "Any time you give a man something he doesn't earn you cheapen him. Our kids earn what they get, and that includes respect."  This is by fare the most quoted one of his. My favorite is "I have had smarter people around me all my life, but I haven't run into one yet that can out work me. And if they can't outwork you, then smarts aren't going to do them much good. That's just the way it is, And if you believe that and live by it, you'd be surprised at how much fun you can have."

Woody was a hard worker and he wanted ever one around he to do the same. It was the only way he knew how to win. And that sometime got him in to trouble with the media and NCAA, which eventually cost him his coaching job. But in my opinion if you don't get a few black eyes in life you didn't do anything.

My uncle John went to Ohio State in the sixty and new Woody very well and says that I have the same drive that Woody installed in his players and to me that is the best complement that anyone could give a man. The respect he got was earned and that why I would be Woody any day.     

Sunday, May 12, 2013

One of the first things that I learnt, was I don't want to be A writing teacher. editing other peoples paper is not easy when you are learn the wright way to do it your self. I do understand why me do it.It did help me look for things in my own writing, and gave me ideas on how to improve my essay.  

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sources for my essay

I found a lot of information on COPD on the Library database, but
 it take way to long to find what I am looking for. What I did find will be very helpful. However in information that I found when researching C.O.P.D. on Google. There were more medical report and results from research that will make my essay more complete and up to date.