Saturday, June 1, 2013


   Excalibur;A1981 movie by John Boorman. Staring Nigel Terry as King Arthur, Nigel Williams as Merlin and Helen Mirren as Morgana. This story take place in the time of the dark ages when man still looking to find the truth about him self, black magic, and the true meaning of the gods that were worshiped at that time.
   Arthur was born a king, but no one  knew this except Merlin, because he was payment for a deed that Merlin perform for Arthur's father. Morgana, Arthur's half sister knew something was up , but as a young girl was not sure yet.

   When Arthur was but a young man and a squire to what he though to be his older brother. He was able to pull Excalibur from the stone that his father had embedded there at his own death, and was to stay there until his son was old enough to be come a King and rule the land.

   Arthur and Merlin were very close friend. There were thing that man could not see, but Merlin could and he was able to guide Arthur in times of trouble. Together they built Camelot the Kings castle and in kingdom  wealth and prosperity were in abundance, Arthur didn't want any of knights to think they were better than any one else and so the knights of the round table was formed.

   Where there is good there is always evil, for one can not exist with out the other. Arthur's wife Guinevere and his first knight Lancelot were found to have had an affair that destroyed the kingdom. for very knight know that truth is greatest quality of a man. some would say that courage, compassion, loyalty and Humility were what made him, but with out truth it is all for nothing, as Arthur was to find out. And when this came to pass the land was with out it king and the king was with out his sword.

   Arthur's was deceived buy his sister and brought forth a son to him that had more evil than the land could bear, so Arthur and his few brave knights were forced in to battle once again. But only to bring the end of a king and the end of the evil son. It is said that one day a King will come and the sword will rise again and the land will become one. But until that time we must remember the past for it is the doom of man that forgets.

    This movie has been my favorite for a long time. I guess even before it came out I have been obsessed with the mid evil times. I looked up my family crest and we were iron workers of the sword, so maybe it just in the blood.

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