Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Seat Not Taken

After reading this page, I would say that he was the races. When someone defines people by the color of their skin, they open up and show the world that they are races. A lot of people now day are aware of body language and they could see that in him.
I ride the bus ever day, and I have observed some of the rudest people in my life on it. The color of their skin, age, gender, or social status has no bearing on the fact that their just rude. And I would like to add that I have met some of the nicest people there as well.

The only people that I prefer not seating with are the ones that just smoked a cigarette, strong perfume, or cologne. Only because I have COPD and order makes it hard to breath.

I have many friends and they come from an assorted group nationalities. They are my friend I like them for what's on the in side not the outside. a female friend ask me ounces if I still liked her because she was putting on weight. I looked at her and laugh and said that I didn't like her for what she look like on the out side, but that I loved her for what was on the inside. And from that point on she refers to me as her uncle dad.           

1 comment:

  1. Mike,
    Your blog is basically what I said. I hope that more people respond to your blog. The real problem is bias, and racist thoughts. Our country is still dealing with what Abraham Lincoln wanted gone, that all men are created equal.
